• info@euasu.org


To participate in the International Interdisciplinary Conference “Unknown Wars,” submit the registration form on the website, and a member of the organizing committee will get in touch with you shortly.



After approval of the application for participation, conference participants should submit papers that address one or more questions of the conference panels. If approved by the organizing committee, the paper will be published on the conference website and included in the Collected Papers volume. Also, some fragments of the paper might be included in the conference’s resolution.



Each conference speaker delivers a speech during an online discussion, addressing the two questions of the specific panel. Speeches for each of the two questions should be no more than 8-10 minutes. The moderator will determine the order of the speakers. There will be two rounds of speeches (for the first question and for the second).

The speaker also submits a paper, just like a participant, that addresses one or more questions of the conference panels. If approved by the organizing committee, the paper will be published on the conference website and included in the Collected Papers volume. Also, some fragments of the paper might be included in the conference’s resolution.

After every discussion panel, Granite of Science — one of the conference’s media partners — will publish an article that will include fragments of each participant’s speech.


The registration form can be found at https://form.jotform.com/220615398840358

or on the conference website — https://unknownwars.euasu.org/


Within the framework of this conference, five online discussion panels are going to be held (date to be announced). During the conference, four to six experts will be invited daily by the moderator to discuss their research findings on the given topics and questions, which are provided to experts in advance. All participants submit their papers which address one or several questions of the conference. These papers are published on the conference website and are included in the Collected Papers volume of the conference, which will be published on Google Books one month after the conference and will be accessible for all.



Every speaker and/or participant is kindly requested to submit a paper:

One may choose any topic in the frameworks of his research interests as long as it relates to the topic of the conference. It might be useful to go through the questions of the conference and come up with the ideas for the paper. The paper should be 3-4 pages long, it will be published on the website and parts of it may be used in different articles about the conference by our media partners. In 3-4 weeks after the conference, the Resolution and Collected Papers book would be accessible in Google Books (which will include all papers). 



1) Papers must not exceed 3000 words including abstract, figures, references

2) Papers must not be sent in PDF format and should not be zipped

3) Papers should be submitted as a .doc or.rtf attachment by email to the conference manager. 

4) Set the page size to A4 with margins of 2.54cm all around. Please do not insert headers, footers or page numbers. Do not refer to page numbers in your text as these will be changed.

5) Do not use multiple columns.

6) Put the title of the paper in bold, left-aligned, at the top of the first page only

7) The main body of the text should be in Times New Roman 12 pt, single-spaced.

8) References should follow the Harvard referencing style, which means that primary references in the text should be in the format (Nugus 1999) and should then be listed at the end of the paper