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Oleg Maltsev

Dr. Oleg Maltsev is a world-renowned European scholar, head of the “Memory Institute,” named after Grigory S. Popov. Author of exceptional scholarly works in criminology, psychology, and philosophy. He is a Presidium member and academician of the European Academy of Sciences of Ukraine (EUASU). Dr. Maltsev is the head of the Expeditionary Corps (the prime department of the Memory Institute), which has been conducting field research worldwide for more than eight years to explore how different nations and rulers attained power throughout history.

Jerome Krase

Prof. Dr. Jerome Krase Emeritus Professor, sociologist, Murray Koppelman Professor, School of Humanities and Social Sciences. President of European Academy of Sciences of Ukraine. Expert in sociology, gentrification in Brooklyn, Brooklyn ethnic groups, Italian-American politics, culture, race, class, urban life and Ethnicity in New York. One of his recent books includes Race, Class, and Gentrification in Brooklyn: A View from the Street. He is a public activist-scholar and serves as a consultant to public and private agencies regarding urban community issues. Co-Editor of Urbanities, and Editorial Board Member of Visual Studies, and CIDADES.

Mary Kaldor

Mary Kaldor is a British academic, Professor of Global Governance at the London School of Economics, Director of the Civil Society and Human Security Research Unit. She has pioneered the concepts of new wars and global civil society. Her elaboration of the real-world implementation of human security has directly influenced European and national governments. She is the author of many books and articles including New and Old Wars: Organised Violence in a Global Era (3rd edition, 2012), International Law and New Wars (with Christine Chinkin, 2017) and Global Security Cultures (2018).

Emilio Viano

Prof. Dr. Emilio Viano – President of the International Society for Criminology. President at Bellagio Forum for World Security & Social Development.
Vice-president of European Academy of Sciences of Ukraine. He is on the Harvard University list of National Security Professors. Editor in Chief of the International Annals of Criminology (Cambridge University Press). A member of the Board of Directors of the International Association of Penal Law (AIDP) and of the International Society for Social Defense.

Ranieri Razzante

Prof. Ranieri Razzante – Lawyer, a Business Consultant and an Auditor. Advisor for Delegated Affairs and Cybersecurity to the Undersecretary of Defense. Professor of “Financial Intermediation and Anti Money Laundering Legislation” at the University of Bologna, and “Economics and Law” at the University of Cassino and Southern Lazio. Founder and President of the Anti Money Laundering Accountable Italian Association and is the author of many publications about this matter. He is the Director of the Research Centre on Security and Terrorism (CRST). Chief editor of the journals “Criminal law of globalization” and “Anti-money laundering & Compliance”.


Prof. Elizabeth Haas Edersheim is an adjunct professor at New York University’s. Dr. Edersheim is the ThEME’s creator, has studied, written about, and advised organizations for over 30 years. She currently works with senior executives as their enterprises’ growth exceeds their capacities, and with clients ranging from fast-moving young firms and the largest global non-profits to Fortune 100 companies. Elizabeth is the author of “McKinsey’s Marvin Bower” and “The Definitive Drucker: Challenges For Tomorrow’s Executives – Final Advice From the Father of Modern Management”.


Dr. Steven Best – Author, philosopher, speaker, public intellectual. Professor of Humanities and Philosophy at the University of Texas, El Paso. Presidium member and academician of the European Academy of Sciences of Ukraine. He is an activist with 30 years work in diverse social movements, such as animal rights, species extinction, human overpopulation, ecological crisis, biotechnology, liberation politics, terrorism, mass media and culture, globalization, and capitalist domination. He is co-author (with Prof. Douglas Kellner) of a trilogy of postmodern studies (Postmodern Theory: Critical Interrogation; The Postmodern Turn: Paradigms Shifts in Art, Theory, and Science; and The Postmodern Adventure: Science, Technology, and Cultural Studies at the Third Millennium (Guilford Press, 1991, 1997, 2001).

Patrick Hutton

Prof. Patrick Hutton is professor of history emeritus at the University of Vermont, where he taught European intellectual history and historiography. His books germane to studies in mentalities and memory include: The Cult of the Revolutionary Tradition (1981), History as an Art of Memory (1993), Philippe Aries and the Politics of French Cultural History (2004), The Memory Phenomenon in Contemporary Historical Writing (2016), and A Cultural History of Memory in the Eighteenth Century (2020). His teaching experience: European intellectual history, the history of collective mentalities, the history of private life, cultural contexts of memory, historiography, philosophy of history, etc.

Susan Katz Keating

Susan Katz Keating is an award winning writer and investigative journalist specializing in war, terrorism, and international security. She is Editor-in-Chief of Soldier of Fortune Magazine, Chief National Security Correspondent for Just the News, and previously was Senior Editor at the Washington Examiner. As military correspondent for PEOPLE magazine, she has broken stories there and in TIME on the U.S. military and domestic terrorism.

Gianfranco Lizza

Gianfranco Lizza – Former full professor of Political and Economic Geography at the “La Sapienza University” in Rome and Director of the Master’s Program in Geopolitics and Global Security. He immensely contributed to geopolitics studies in Italy and abroad and considered one of the leading geopolitics experts in Italy. He is a member of the Scientific Committee of Geopolitics. His latest book is “The horizons of the new geopolitics. Towards 2050”

Heikki Patomäki

Heikki Patomäki is a social scientist, activist and Professor of World Politics and Global Political Economy at the University of Helsinki. He has published over 20 books and 200 research papers, and hundreds of popular articles and blogs. His topics include philosophy and methodology of social sciences, international relations theory, global political economy, peace research, futures studies, and, global justice and democracy. Patomäki’s most recent book is The Three Fields of Global Political Economy (Routledge 2022). Patomäki has worked as a full professor at The Nottingham Trent University, UK, and RMIT University, Melbourne, Australia, and as a Visiting Professor at Ritsumeikan University, Kyoto, Japan. He is a member of the Finnish Academy of Sciences; Life Member of Clare Hall, University of Cambridge; a founding member of Helsinki GPE Centre; and Vice Chair of EuroMemo, a network of European (political) economists.

Harvey Wolf Kushner

Dr. Harvey Wolf Kushner is a Chairman of the Criminal Justice Department and a Professor of Criminal Justice at LIU Post, Brookville, New York. As an internationally recognized expert on terrorism, he has worked with the U.S. government on critical issues involving terrorism. As an intelligence analyst for the U.S. Probation Department of the Eastern District of New York, he advised on all matters related to terrorist activities. Additionally, Kushner advises private sector clients ranging from chemical and petrol manufacturers to multi-national financial institutions. In the immediate aftermath of the September 11, 2001 attacks, Kushner testified on terrorism and safety before the City Council of New York. Kushner has authored numerous columns, editorials, and six books, five of which focus on the pervasive problems inherent in international and transnational terrorism. His best-seller Encyclopedia of Terrorism has won numerous awards.

Douglas Kellner

Dr. Douglas Kellner – Author, critical theorist. Distinguished Professor in the Departments of Education, Gender Studies, and Germanic Languages at UCLA. Academician of European Academy of Sciences of Ukraine. Kellner is an author of the Baudrillard page in Stanford Online Encyclopedia. Kellner collaborated with Steven Best on an award-winning trilogy of books examining postmodern turns in philosophy, the arts, and science and technology. He served as the literary executor of the documentary film maker Emile de Antonio and acted as editor of “Collected Papers of Herbert Marcuse,” which collected six volumes of the papers of the critical theorist Herbert Marcuse.

Steve Gennaro

Dr. Steve Gennaro – Professor in the Humanities department at York University (Canada). He explores the intersections of media, technology, psychology, and youth identity. He is one of the founding members of the Children, Childhood, and Youth Studies Program at York University, where he has taught in the Department of Humanities and the Department of Communication Studies for close to two decades, with more than a decade of experience teaching online. He is the author of Selling Youth (2010) and regularly publishes in areas related to the philosophy of technology and critical media studies of youth identity and politics.

Maxim Lepskiy

Prof. Maxim Lepskiy – Doctor of Philosophy, Professor at Zaporizhzhya National University. Head of Research Board in Social Forecasting Sociological Association of Ukraine. Academician of the European Academy of Sciences of Ukraine and Ukrainian Academy of Sciences.


Prof. Dr. Guido Gianasso is Professor of leadership at HEC Paris in Qatar and a Leadership and Cultural Intelligence expert.
Honorary Consul of Romania in Geneva. Former Associate Dean at Nanyang Business School (Singapore)

Siniša Malešević

Siniša Malešević is a Full Professor and Chair of Sociology at the University College, Dublin. He is an elected member of Royal Irish Academy and Academia Europaea (the European Academy) and an elected Associated Member of the Academy of Sciences and Arts of Bosnia and Herzegovina. He is also a Senior Fellow and Associate Researcher, at CNAM, Paris, France. His recent books include Why Humans Fight (Cambridge University Press, 2022), Contemporary Sociological Theory (Sage 2021) +, Classical Sociological Theory (Sage 2021, both with S. Loyal), Grounded Nationalisms: A Sociological Analysis (Cambridge University Press, 2019).  He regularly acts as an academic adviser/referee for the research projects in the UK, Germany, Netherlands, Switzerland, Austria, Croatia, Canada, Belgium, Poland and Japan. He also serves on the editorial boards of ten international academic journals.

Andrew Hoskins

Prof. Andrew Hoskins is Professor of Global Security at the University of Glasgow, UK. His books include: Radical War: Data, Attention & Control in the Twenty-First Century; (Ed) Digital Memory Studies: Media Pasts in Transition and (with John Tulloch): Risk and Hyperconnectivity: Media and Memories of Neoliberalism (OUP 2016). He is founding Co-Editor (with John Sutton) of the Palgrave Macmillan flagship book series Memory Studies. He is founding Co Editor-in-Chief of the Cambridge Journal of Memory, Mind & Media and Journal of Digital War, and founding Editor-in-Chief of the Journal of Memory Studies. His current projects include: The End of Anonymity; Breaking the Past; Is Memory Finished? (with Kristina Cimova); Forgetting Ukraine (with the artist Mark Neville) and Forgetting Hiroshima (with Luli van der Does).

Truls LIe

Truls Lie is a Norwegian journalist and IT founder. He is currently the Editor-in-chief of Modern Times Review and Head of the monthly newspaper Ny Tid. He has an education in philosophy and information technology, from Oslo, San Francisco and New York. Truls has previously been the owner and editor-in-chief of Morgenbladet and the Scandinavian edition of Le Monde diplomatique. He was also editor-inf-chief of the DOX magazine by EDN for 4 years.

Massimo Ortolani

Massimo Ortolani is an economist and economic consultant. He has been working in the ENI group, Mediocredito centrale and Unicredit group, with assignments mostly focused on international activities, assessment of geopolitical country risk and evaluation of investment projects. He has also worked as consultant in Latin America for UNIDO, and in Kazakhstan within EU programs. During the last decade has been focusing its research studies on geoeconomic risks, also as a lecturer on Economic Intelligence at the Tor Vergata University and Link Campus University of Rome. He is the author of “Economic Intelligence and Geoeconomic Conflict”, among many other works.

Vitalii Lunov

Prof. Vitalii Lunov – Associate Professor in the university named after O.O. Bogomoltsa. Presidium member of European Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Member of the American psychological Association, the American Academy of clinical psychology, World Federation for mental health (USA), the European Academy of natural Sciences (Hannover, Germany).

John Klatt

John Klatt is the Executive Director of American Safety, Emergency Medical Training Corp. The company provides hands on training, training videos, products, as well as being an American Heart Association, and National Association of Emergency Medical Technicians, Training Center. Klatt completed his fourth trip to Iraq in 2010, where he provided continuing education for combat medics, nurses and doctors.

Enrico Tomaselli

Enrico Tomaselli studied art and graphics in Palermo and Rome, and now lives and works in Naples. Enrico has been researching conflicts and wars both from a historical, political, strategic and tactical point of view. He has curated numerous exhibitions on cultural politics and contemporary art. His recent book is titled: “La Guerra Civile Globale: Il mondo dopo il conflitto Russo-Ucraino”(The Global Civil War: The World After the Russian-Ukrainian Conflict)

Oleksandr Sahaidak

Ph.D. Oleksandr Sahaidak – Head of Theurung Association. Academician of the European Academy of Sciences of Ukraine.  He is a psychologist, Jungian analyst, hypnologist, expert in anthropology and sociology. Chairman of the Psychological-philosophical scientific society at the UAS.

Lucien Oulahbib

Dr. Lucien Oulahbib – writer, lecturer, sociologist, political scientist. Academician of European Academy of Sciences of Ukraine. He is a chief editor of scientific journal “Dogma”. Dr. Lucien spent many years working together with french thinker Jean Baudrillard. Author of numerous scientific papers and books on french nihilism and neo-leninism, radical islamism, anti-americanism and antisemitism.

Vladimir Skvorets

Ph.D. Vladimir Skvorets – Doctor of Philosophy, Associate Professor, Head of the Department of Sociology at Zaporizhzhya National University. Academician of the European Academy of Sciences of Ukraine. Author of 127 scientific and methodological publications, among them three monographs. Two of them are: “The life of people as a social phenomenon” (2012); “Transformation of the sociohistorical organism of Ukraine: analytics of social processes” (2019).